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Order Fulfillment Verification​

The Transformative Benefits of Order  Fulfillment Verification

In today’s competitive logistics landscape, even minor hiccups in shipment and receipt verification can disrupt operations and erode profitability. SLS Verification emerges as a powerful tool, transforming your supply chain by unlocking a multitude of benefits:

Orchestrated read event with controlled read zones leveraging sensors and imagers​

Alarming for incorrect product and quantity​

Automated aggregation of individual items within the parent container​

Automated content verification without manual staging and unboxing ​

Verify Without Ever Opening​

Item Level Visibility

Content verification without human intervention​

Pack Validation​

Published to integrated ERP/WMS​

Order Verification​

Instant cross-check and alarming capability​

Our Impact

Global Shoe Manufacturer​

Verify receipt on inbound orders Confirm fulfillment of pick/pick for outbound shipments​




Improve box content, shipment accuracy, and reduce grey market selling​


Annual Saving:


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